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My Blog2020-08-12T10:44:20-05:00

Top 10 Songs of 2011

December 15th, 2011|

What follows is my list of favorite songs of 2011. I consume a lot of music, but I don't hear everything. I don't even hear everything the year [...]

Exposition SUCKS!

December 13th, 2011|

Now that I've secured an agent and am putting together a proposal for publishers (you can read all about that in this post), I've had a chance to reflect a [...]

And Now… A Great Moment in Parenting

November 25th, 2011|

My oldest daughter, Elora, occasionally suffers from abdominal migraines. For the longest time, we didn't know what they were. She'd break out into spontaneous sweats at the oddest moments--usually when [...]

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