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Enjoy some of my casual writing here on my blog

My Blog2020-08-12T10:44:20-05:00

What Are You Watching?

January 17th, 2012|

I think what a person actively seeks out and watches on TV says a lot about them. It also says almost nothing at all as what shows some people choose [...]

Misc. YouTube Shenanigans

January 5th, 2012|

Unfortunately, I can't embed videos on this blog. Don't really know why. So, here's a few links to a few short video pieces I've done lately. Enjoy. SFX Catastrophes Bad [...]

Top 5 Movies of 2011

January 3rd, 2012|

I'm a huge movie buff, but ever since I stopped working at a movie theater those many years ago, I don't get to see nearly as many movies as I'd [...]


December 22nd, 2011|

A couple nights ago my wife and I went on a double date with some friends to see Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol at the local IMAX. The [...]

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