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My Blog2020-08-12T10:44:20-05:00

Movie Review: THE AVENGERS

May 7th, 2012|

As I write this it's just been revealed that Marvel's THE AVENGERS has a set a new opening weekend box office record by a wiiiiiide margin. $200.3 million. Take that [...]

The Big Holiday Wars Giveaway!

April 25th, 2012|

My buddy Scott King runs an excellent webcomic by the name of Holiday Wars (along with two-time SuperFogeys Origins artist Michael Odom!) and he has something REALLY special lined up for [...]

The R-Word and the Pledge

March 7th, 2012|

Hey SuperFans, I don't normally use this forum to express any political, religious or social views, but there's a movement happening today to "spread the word to end the word"--the [...]

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