Weather happens. And sometimes it knocks out Marc Lapierre’s power and he has no way to create the strip, much less post it. Apologies! Marc is one of the more dedicated artists I’ve ever worked with and believe you me–the strip would be done if it were possible. In fact, even the midst of this power outage, Marc did manage to ink the TRIPLE-SIZED strip that was supposed to run today, but alas his laptop ran out of battery and he could not color it. SF 360 is such a big moment than I want you to see it only its completed form so please bear with us.

Still… a special treat for you today. The above page ran in the back of Th3rd World’s Free Comic Book Day offering a couple of years ago, but I never had a chance to post it until now. That’s how strict a schedule we keep around here! Hope you enjoy it.

And yes, this is a solo effort on my part. Don’t judge me too harshly. I’m not as good an artist as Marc.