Week 2 of Marc’s break! I do art on these extra strips and Marc comes back next week! Miss the last regular update on the main story? Check it out right here.

I couldn’t resist finding an excuse to draw Captain Spectacular. He’s still my favorite character to draw, even after all this time. I think it’s just because his design is a little simpler and lends itself to a lot of variation. The beard is a case in point. He’s had it for a long time now, but he didn’t get it until after I stopped drawing the strip. So it’s fun to draw this version.

Some of you rightly guessed that Atomic Fly would be in all of these Q&A strips. He’s mostly a Marc creation, but I’ve had great fun injecting him with the personality Marc’s design suggests. As some of you have also rightly guessed, there’s a lot of Spider-Man DNA in there.

Last Q&A on Wednesday! See you then!