…and probably not the ones you’re hoping for.  We ran last year’s numbers and did the math twice and…there’s no choice now…we have to raise the prices on the SuperFogeys collections.

I hate doing this.  I’m determined to make these books affordable so that anyone can pick ’em up, but, realistically, we never should have sold them at the price we have been.  We’ve almost been breaking even with them, but not quite.  One of those things where if we’d sold just 20 more copies then things might be different, but its early days still and I’m hopeful that in ’09, with all the new books we’ll be offering, we can turn this ship around.

So…for only a very short time more, the books are still available at the current price!

For the record, here’s what we’re offering currently in the SuperFogeys Store:

SuperFogeys Collection #1: Ch. 1, “Insane Romance From Hell” and Ch.2 “Bingo Night.”  Includes the exclusive-to-print features “Dear Dr. Rocket” and “A Moment with Swifty.” Also featuring the bonus, exclusive-to-print, 3 page story “Operation: Valhalla” that acts as a prequel to Chapter 1 and features the first appearance of the Third Man (drawn by Mike Hartigan), sketches and commentaries………$6.00

SuperFogeys Collection #2: Ch. 3, “The Techno Shuffle,” reordered with most WebSpace pages placed in the back of the book for smoother reading experience. Also features the bonus, exclusive-to-print. 6 page story “Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden in the Inevitable Dimension” which tells the story of how the Captain and Star fell in love (drawn by Julio Molina-Muscara)…….$5.00

SuperFogeys Collection #3: Ch. 4, “Dictator Tot’s Revenge.” Features the second, exclusive-to-print installment of “Dear Dr. Rocket.” Also featuring the bonus, exclusive-to-print 11-page story “Cellmates” featuring Captain Spectacular, Spy Gal, Dr. Rocket and the Thrice Evil in a twisted tale of love, Unicef and peanut butter cookies (drawn buy Chip Skelton)……..$5.00

Those are current prices. As of…very soon now…each of those prices will be raised by 50 cents! Get ’em now while they’re cheap!

Also available in the store are SF T-Shirts and original art (and I do take requests on original art and the prices are negotiable on those–just email me at heasley (at) if you’re interested)!


…is starting very soon! Most likely today or tomorrow.  We’re doing things a bit differently this time and not starting pre-orders until the book is entirely ready to go.  So…for those of that have pre-ordered in the past and had to a wait a while…that’s not gonna happen this time.  Here’s a peek at that:

SuperFogeys Collection #4: Ch. 5, “The Redemption of Dr. Rocket.” Featuring the bonus, exclusive-to-print bonus story “Audition” featuring Captain Spectacular, Dr. Rocket, The Third Man and the Space Pig (drawn by Lucas Turnbloom). Also featuring “Erin’s Comic” by Brock and Erin Heasley……Price TBA, (but most likely $5.50)

Soon as the pre-order is ready to go, look for the debut of the completed cover and more preview pages from the bonus stroy with amazing Lucas Turnbloom art on the “off days,” i.e. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.)


Dang, doesn’t T.L. just do an amazing job? I love his version of Jerry.

See you on Thursday for the next SuperFogeys!