Bummer of a day yesterday as for the first time in a long time I was sick enough so that I couldn’t even go in to work. Since I letter comics during my breaks on my work computer (don’t have Photoshop and Illustrator at home), this meant I couldn’t get the lettering done for today’s page. Thankfully, SFO Regular Artist T.L. Collins is multi-talented and lent a hand. I’ll be re-lettering this as soon as I can to make it it fit better aesthetically with the other pages, but huge thanks to him for making sure the update made it on time today. Beaut of a page.

Don’t forget that the third page of Harvey, Part One lands tomorrow! And this one is extra special, a true artistic collaboration between T.L. and I. Don’t miss it!


Next year is gonna see some great stuff coming out of SF Origins. At any given time, I’ve got about four or five SFO stories in various stages of development. Thought I’d give you a peek at what’s going on but running down the list of stories, who is drawing them, and what stage they’re in.

Harvey the Science Rabbit, Part One – Artist: T.L. Collins      Status: Nearly completed.      Pages: 5      When will we see it? Right now! Another page tomorrow, and then two more pages next week to finish it off.

The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular – Artist: Rosana Bugini     Status: Script, pencils and ink complete. Coloring almost done.      Pages: 9      When will we see it? Jan. 2010

The Thrice Evil Origin – Artist: Steve Ogden      Status: Script and a bunch of designs completed. Steve begins pencilling this week!     Pages: 5-6      When will we see it? 1st Quarter, 2010

Harvey the Science Rabbit, Part Two – Artist: C.P. Wilson, III      Status: Script complete.      Pages: 5      When will we see it? 1st Quarter, 2010

Swifty and the Prophecy – Artist: Jason Sigler      Status: Script halfway done.      Pages: 5-6      When will we see it? TBD

The Life and Times of Soviet Sam – Artist: T.L. Collins      Status: Script needs revision.      Pages: 8-9      When will we see it? TBD

Star Maiden Origin – Artist: Wes Molebash      Status: Outline complete, work on script to begin soon.      Pages: 5-6     When will we see it? TBD

SuperFogeys Babies (working title) – Artist: Brian Smith      Status: Outline partially done, pending completion if I can make the idea work without coming off like a total hack.      Pages: ?       When will we see it? Looking to include it as a bonus story in the first SuperFogeys Origins Trade Paperback.

As you can see, there’s lots of cool stuff in the hopper. I’m extremely honored to be working with such a wide variety of artists, from both within and without the webcomics community. Pretty humbling, really. Now I need to finish some of those scripts!


One week til deadline, Dec. 22! I’ve gotten some great entries so far, but I know there are more of you out there who want to take at crack at SF. Have at it, I say! Full details and specs here.

See you tomorrow with Harvey Part One, page 3!