And that’s a wrap for Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden’s journey in the Inevitable Dimension. Now you know how they fell in love and how Cap could break Spy Gal’s heart so terribly when they returned to Earth all those years ago. Big, HUGE thanks to artist Julio Molina-Muscara and colorist MAD Conk for helping me tell this fun, twisty story.

And now, I can finally announce the next, most anticipated SuperFogeys Origins story yet…

Coming next week, it’s SUPERFOGEYS BABIES with art by Denver Brubaker and color by Jeff Couturier! This one is gonna be EPIC and will run for several months. I’ve been warned away from this story by many of you and I myself have had my reservations, but rest assured this isn’t some out-of-continuity, Muppet Babies-like lark. SF Babies IS canon. Believe it.

Speaking of SuperFogeys Origins… I’m looking for more artists to help me tell some more stories. The SF Origins scripts can be demanding and require a certain level of skill and storytelling ability, but I do my best to tailor the tale to the artist and make sure we both have a lot of fun. If you think you might have what it takes and wanna give it a shot, contact me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com!