Let’s face it, this strip has been coming for a long time. How is THIS the first time we’re seeing inside Star Maiden’s chaotic mind space?


This whole peek inside Star’s mind was born of two things: 1. The direction of the next 1/3 of this chapter and 2. A passing comment by a Webtoon reader that asked something to effect of “Are we ever going to get a look inside Star Maiden’s mind?” When I read that, I was immediately brought back to my favorite chapters in Peter David’s famed Incredible Hulk run where we literally went inside the Hulk’s psyche and saw how his war with Banner and his many iterations plays out like a no frills stage play in the theater of his mind.

My answer to that Webtoon commenter’s question? “Yes.” And then I immediately went and revised my outline for Chapter 24 to include it. And now you’ve read it.

The real masterstroke of this episode is what Marc chose to do with the art. Instead of drawing Dark Maiden and Star Maiden as he always has, he used the weirdness of the mindspace to have a little fun, rendering the two characters in completely different art styles–one Frank Miller-esque (Dark Maiden) and one not unlike the simple, cartoony forms you’d find on a show like Teen Titans Go! (Star Maiden) According to Marc, when he reads Star Maiden dialogue, he just hears Starfire in his head anyway. So, it’s a natural fit.

Anyway, we both had great fun putting this episode together (double-sized!) and I hope you guys dig it, too.


I hate this you guys, but it’s time for another short hiatus as we go off to enjoy Christmas with our respective families. We look forward to returning Jan. 5, 2021 with new SuperFogeys episodes and the back half of this massive chapter. It’s the stuff ahead that I am personally MOST excited about. It is without a doubt our most cataclysmic and game-changing chapter yet. We’re taking some giant swings as we head into our endgame (only two chapters after this one!) and I think you’re gonna love it.

There’s never been a chapter of SuperFogeys like this, but you haven’t seen ANYTHING yet.*

See you on Tuesday, Jan. 5 with 864 – Walking the Dark Side!

*Tiny spoiler: we’ve had death already (RIP T-Magus) but don’t you dare think he’s the last one to fall. (Yeah, death can be cheap in comics, but not with SuperFogeys. We’ve only ever pulled the rug out from under you once [RIP Herman], and yet…who lives and who dies is not nearly as exciting as what else we have in store. You’ll see.)