I love it when Marc goes widescreen! So, so cool seeing all these characters in one place. We’ve come a long, long way since those early chapters.


T.L. COLLINS! That’s right, after much behind-the-scenes drama and two artists dropping out, I’ve finally secured an artist for the Swifty origin and, really, it’s the guy I should have gone to in the first place. T.L., as you might recall, has drawn more Origins stories than anyone, including Money Man, The Society of Heroes, The Life and Times of Soviet Sam, Baby Swifty’s First Words, and more!

Even better than the reunion (after 8 years!) with T.L. is the chance for you all to see how he’s grown as an artist. Because… oh my gosh. This is going to be a STUNNING origin. And it’s a good thing too–it’s a demanding script featuring dozens of characters and covering several decades of history. We’re gonna do Swifty RIGHT.

Art previews forthcoming. For now, be sure and hit the links above to remind yourself of T.L.’s fantastic work!

See you on Monday with 782 – The Lone Figure in the Doorway!