Star Maiden is back! Star Maiden is back! I don’t know about you… but I’ve missed her. Dark Maiden is a ton of fun, but there’s something about Star Maiden’s particular brand of crazy that I just enjoy immensely. Her return, at least for me, is quite welcome. How about you guys? Where do you fall on the Star Maiden-Dark Maiden scale?


Swifty and Star Maiden’s little love story is another one of my favorite elements of the SuperFogeys saga. It’s never been hugely impactful on a story level, but without it I think Swifty would be nearly unbearable as a character, at least for me. It softens him quite a bit, while still keeping him sufficiently crusty. But there’s more about that relationship you don’t know…

To my regret, the Swifty origin story has never materialized. A year ago, I had a script written and an artist all lined up and it was go time. I even announced it! But then, things just didn’t work out and so the script for the Swifty origin sits in the proverbial drawer, waiting to be brought to life. It’s a pretty terrific story, if I may say. It covers almost the entirety of Swifty’s life and really digs into his relationship with his father and with the love of his life. Star Maiden is a big part of the story and there’s a big revelation there I’m dying for you guys to find out… if only I could find the right artist…

See you on Wednesday with 741 – Scumbag Jerry!