As we enter the last four or five strips of this chapter, Marc and I find that our buffer has run out and we’re really pushing the deadlines hard. I’m excited to see this chapter come to and end and how the ending points to what’s ahead, but I’m also sad to see it happen because it means we’re going to have to say goodbye again. For a little while. More on that later.


I turn 40-years-old on Friday. I have mixed feelings about that, as you can imagine. I look back and feel like I’ve accomplished so much, but there’s also so much more I want and hope to do. Natural thoughts on any birthday, but this one is obviously bigger than most. I mean… 40. Geez. Anybody got any advice?

(Oh, and since I’m an inauguration baby (we exist), I get a very special extra present every four years. This time out… um… I’ll just say my feelings aren’t as mixed on what’s happening in Washington D.C. this week. Happy 40th to me!)


I know everybody and their brother is asking for free money on the internet these days, but if you’re a SuperFogeys reader then all I’m really suggesting is a small contribution to keep us going and continuing to give you something you get for free already. Right now, we’re trying to get $65 in pledges. If we make it… you and every other Patron will get the full lowdown on what happened during the missing year. Our lowest pledge level is 50 cents (pledge is per strip, but you are fully empowered on Patreon to set a monthly limit). I’ll bet you can find 50 cents in your couch cushions RIGHT NOW.

You can make your pledge to support SuperFogeys right here. Thank you!

See you on Monday with 728 – Oh, Brucie…