Hey, there’s a bunch of you still here! Judging from the numbers over the past couple days, there’s still great interest in the continuing adventures of The SuperFogeys. That’s so cool! Gotta admit, was a bit worried there that everyone had moved on. Nope, instead you’re all stuck on the SuperFogeys sauce and you can’t give it up.


Was just a terrible movie. Sorry, fans. You know it’s true. That said, probably as you’re reading this, I’m giving the Ultimate Edition a whirl. I always root for Superman.


Did you know there’s a way to see SuperFogeys one day earlier than everybody else? Well, there is.

Every single one of our Patrons on Patreon who pledges at the $3 level or above gets to see the strips one day early. There’s a couple of ways to do this: the generous way and the cheap way. Marc and I love the generous way in which you pledge $3 per strip we put out (we need supplies!), but because I’m an idiot, I’m gonna tell you all about the cheap way.

You see, on Patreon you can set a monthly limit as to how much money you’re really donating. ONLY want to pledge $3 month? No problem, pledge at the $3 level, set your monthly limit to $3, and you’re done. You’ll get full early access and you’ll NEVER be charged that money if we don’t put out a strip that month. Pretty cool, simple, and cheap.

Head on over here to explore. We appreciate your support!

See you on Monday with 688 – “Zurida, The Peacemaker!”