I think I’m finally enjoying writing Dark Maiden. I admit I’ve struggled with her a bit since she came on the scene. Star Maiden was so, so much fun to write and I miss her, but change is good and I knew there had to be a change there. Enter: Dark Maiden. And now, just as I’m getting the feel for Dark Maiden, change is in the air once again. Where will she end up? I have no idea.

(Okay, that’s a lie.)


If you’re reading this the minute it’s first posted then I’m currently in the afterparty for The Gallows, which had its big Black Carpet Event in Fresno just a couple hours ago. This is the movie made by the production company I’ve joined up with and we could not be more excited about it. You’ve probably started seeing commercials on TV for it in the past week.

My participation in the film is pretty small, but I was on set for some big moments this year and it’s a huge thrill seeing it all on the big screen. Hopefully, I’m taking pictures right now and I’ll have something to post about it all soon.

The actual release date of the film is July 10th. Just a week and a half away!


What the heck is “The Empty Tomb?” It’s a design I came up with a little while ago and has inspired me to enter a new arena–jewelry. I know, it’s weird, but I have really, really got to find a way to make money… so, new adventures it is. All at once!

They symbol and what it means to people holds great promise. I’ve never seen people react so immediately and strongly to something I created. If you’re curious, you can read the two blogs I’ve written about the symbol:

The Empty Tomb: “Why Can’t There Be a Symbol of the Living Christ?”

The Empty Tomb: Putting the Symbol Out Into the World

Obviously, religious content ahead, but even if you’re a behind-the-scenes process junkie like I am you should still find it interesting.

See you all on Friday with 651 – “Duplicity”