UPDATE: I’m seeing a lot of confusion in the comments about the nature of what T-Magus is doing to Swifty, so Marc went ahead and updated the art a little to make it clear he is NOT using a different kind of Bubbles of Light. He’s using his own magic to hold Swifty in place. Got it? We cool? Cool.

ORIGINAL POST: Oh man, oh man, oh man. We’re so close, you guys. SF 600 is just five days away. Between that and Mario Kart 8 coming out in two days, I’m pretty up on life. (Anyone else getting the new Kart? We should be friends.) Well, that side of my life. I have a family and stuff, too. They make life actually worth living.

BUT SF 600 AND MARIO KART 8! I’m just sayin’.

By now, what Gina and T-Magus are all about should be roughly clear. If not, click their tags below and/or sound off in the comments with your questions. I’m sure your fellow Fogeys fans will be only too happy to help. If that doesn’t work… well, Monday is the big shoe drop.

Monday: SF 600 and the revelation of… “him.”