I told someone yesterday to watch out because today’s SuperFogeys has a lot of text. His response? “Dude, I can read.” Fair enough.

This is the info dump that is not an info dump. I actually am a fan of exposition (I like just kind of getting on with it and moving on to the meat of the story), but I recognize it can bring a story to a grinding halt. I try to have fun with it as much as possible. Writing my version of a talking head, political, MSNBC/Fox News gabfest? That’s fun. Great clues in here to the way the world’s changed during the missing year. If you’re lost, don’t worry. We’re still in “food for thought” mode. Just enjoy the ride Ā and you’ll be fine.

We find Michelle in a new spot (with a new wardrobe!) in today’s strip. Wondering who she is? Look no further than right here.

Starting tomorrow: concept sketches and details on some more of our new and returning characters. See you then!