Okay, so the site didn’t quite get as fixed last week as we thought. Some people are still having much difficulty loading it. A more full explanation can be found of what to do in this new blog, but basically it comes down to you need to reset your bookmark to superfogeys.com. You shouldn’t see any more trouble after that. Sorry for the confusion!

A word of explanation: you might have noticed that I didn’t respond to any comments on Wednesday’s strip. I don’t know if my responding to comments is welcome or annoying, but it’s fun for me to talk with you guys. However, I felt like the mystery figure in Wednesday’s strip was generating a conversation that I was best a part of. This is a mystery that will be solved in the near future, but I don’t want to ruin any of the fun in the meantime.

Today’s strip is the big moment–Spy Gal’s immediate reaction to the triple identities of her husband, Jerry. How do you think she’s taking it?