Annnnnnd… WE’RE BACK! Did you miss us? Sorry for the brief hiatus, but it was necessary, believe me. Not like we’re making serious bank from this SuperFogeys endeavor (though I’m open to a change there) and a break now and again feels right to keep the fires stoked properly. Comic-Con and my 12th Anniversary felt like the right time. Hoping to get a blog together soon to show off some of the great pics I got.

As you can see, Marc got his juices flowing at maximum squishiness as well. The Spy Gal/Dr. Klein conflict goes back a pretty long ways, but of course it’s more twisted than even Spy Gal herself is aware of!

Any tragedy is awful, but shootings strike particularly close to home for me. They are always senseless and surprising in the worst way. Like all of you, I reacted with shock and dismay to the news of the Dark Knight Rises shooting last week. My heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families.