Strips like this are always a little difficult. There’s a lot going on in that last panel, but if you’re a new reader you’d really have no idea what any of it is. And there’s no way to communicate it to you succinctly. The perils of longform, story driven webcomics. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but I hope if you’re new you give SuperFogeys a chance and dig into the archives a bit to discover the big picture. I think you’ll be glad you did.

Hiatus! It’s time for Marc and me to take a brief break and renew our energies. Full details in this post. Don’t forget that Th3rd World Studios will be at the San Diego Comic-Con with SuperFogeys books aplenty for sale! I’ll be making a personal appearance at the booth (M-13 in the Small Press Area) throughout the day on Friday and Saturday. Stop by and say hi! See you back here on Monday, July 23rd!