This is it! The big 400th strip! 400 freakin’ strips. Can you believe that? And, like other past centennial strips, this one brings in a pretty big reveal! What do you think of Dark Maiden?

This also marks Marc’s 100th SuperFogeys strip. Take that in. That’s amazing. Never late, always getting better and better, Marc has shown us all what SuperFogeys can really be. Marc has brought a sense of the epic to SF, and for that I’ll always be grateful. Couldn’t ask for a better partner in all this.

Please, if you’ve enjoyed SF at all in the past year, take the time to give Marc your thanks in the comments below!

Now would be a good time to catch up on Star Maiden’s history a bit. Can’t figure out why she’s suddenly evil? I’d recommend beginning with her origin story and then following it up with her account of her time just before coming to Valhalla when she returned to her home planet!