Man, what a year, right? Can’t believe it’s the end of year already. As per usual, I’ll be taking a week or two off around Christmas to spend time with my family and recharge my batteries a bit. This has been a heckuva year for SF, with major revelations and a serious upping of the game. Time for a break!

This is where you come in. I’m looking for anyone who would like to contribute to send a guest strip my way to run at the end of December. I reserve the right to refuse to run something because of content (keep in mind that SF is profanity and nudity free) or a slipshod effort (which has never happened before, but still–talent level is not the issue here, effort is–if your art stinks, your writing could still carry it, and vice versa), but otherwise everything is pretty much fair game.

Last year I got some great entries, including one from Cory Thomas and one from Chris Watkins that led to each of them doing a SuperFogeys Origin story (Chris is working on his right now!) They, along with anyone else who has submitted previously, are welcome to submit again!

I’m really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with this year. I think now that all the cards are on the table, it will be interesting to see which characters you’ll tackle. Will anyone dare do a Jerry strip??

Here’s the specs:

• Submissions can be in either strip or page format. Valhalla years or SuperFogeys Origins–it’s up to you! (Just bear in mind that your stories won’t be canon.) Last year, one stellar submission was 2 full pages, so have at it.

• Funny is good.

• Strips will run at 800 pixels across.  Please send that size or larger.  I can always scale down, but never up.

• Spy Gal naked is bad.

• Please include “SuperFogeys (copyright symbol) 2010 Brock Heasley” underneath the strip.

• email to: bwhheasley (at)

• Include your name, name of your comic (if you have one) and website url (if you have one) and whatever biographical information you’d like to see posted with your strip. Promoting you is my thank you, so please make sure I have my facts straight!

Deadline is Dec. 21st

Consult the handy Character Guide if you need help getting started! Have at it, folks!



On Tuesday, a brand new SuperFogeys Origin begins–THE DEATH OF MR. CROOK with art by Michael Odom!


Then, on Thursday, be back here to witness Captain Spectacular, Young Captain Spectacular, Dr. Rocket and Young Dr. Rocket in a most uncomfortable position.