
For Tangerine, a good fight, good booze and good women are all he needs in life. He is known for being ruthless with his foes, killing them without a thought that goes any deeper than “him bad.”
Tangerine was kicked out of the Society of Heroes for (apparently) nearly killing Dictator Tot. He now resides in Valhalla with the rest of the Fogeys, including one of his best friends, Captain Spectacular.
Recently, Tangerine broke Valhalla protocol and killed the shape-shifter Herman, who was disguised as Dr. Rocket at the time, fulfilling the needs of his unique brand of justice. He now resides in Valhalla’s basement dungeon and his bionic hand has been removed. He also having second thoughts about his violent past.

Powers: Has bionic enchancements, including a left forearm and hand that can crush a grown man’s skull with ease.

Real Name: Mortimer O’Hara

Other aliases: Not known at this time

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