Dr. Rocket

A founding member of the Lodge of Doom and a mad genius, the good doctor sent the shape-shifter Herman in his place to Valhalla to impersonate him. No one knows what the real Dr. Rocket has been doing all these years. All that is for certain is that, as of the time of Herman’s death, Dr. Rocket was residing in Cuba and partying with his good friend Fidel Castro.
Now, the real Dr. Rocket is in Valhalla. He has promised to build the Third Man a giant robot for purposes unknown. In exchange, the Third Man agreed to kill Captain Spectacular’s son Tom. Dr. Rocket believes that the Third Man kept his end of the bargain, but in reality he did not.

Upon coming back to Valhalla, Dr. Rocket donned the deceased Mr. Crook’s black gloves in tribute to his fallen friend. Power: Heightened Intelligence

Real Name: Laban

Other aliases: Nomedal, Dr. Nikola T. Rocket

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