This was a story that was a bit of an experiment and was a challenge for both me and artist Cory Thomas (Go read Watch Your Head!) If you can’t tell already (and if you can’t then you must be brand, brand new to the strip–hey, welcome!), I kind of like dialogue. But part of what makes the origin stories so fun for me is getting the chance to try some new things. I sensed some impatience with the three pages of silent action that led to this page, but I like how they give a lot of weight to what you see above. But that’s me.

We’ve seen Zurida before. Here and here. Full name: Zurida, Mistress of Worlds. Best not forget that when addressing her directly. Behind her back, feel free to call her Cupcake. I do.


Well then, click right here.


Thursday, Aug. 12 – SF 270

Monday, Aug. 16 – SF 271

Tuesday, Aug. 17 – SF Origins: Baby Swifty’s First Words, pg. 1

(Also on Aug. 17–The SuperFogeys Call-in Show with host Kurt Sasso. At 8pm, PST, head on over to TGT Webcomics Podcast on Talk Shoe to listen and/or chat live. You can also call 724-444-7444 [call number 22928#] to participate and ask questions. Mark you calendars now!)

Wednesday Aug. 18 – SF 272

Thursday, Aug. 19 – SF 273 (The end of Chapter 9, Head Games)

Monday, Aug. 23 – SF Origins: Baby Swifty’s First Words, pg. 2

Tuesday, Aug. 24 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Wednesday, Aug. 25 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Thursday, Aug. 26 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Friday, Aug. 27 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Saturday, Aug. 28 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Sunday, Aug. 29 – A Selection From Vol.1 of The SuperFogeys (not previously available online)

Tuesday, Aug. 31 – SF Origins: Spy Gal, pg. 1

See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 270!

And don’t forget that T.L. Collins returns to SuperFogeys Origins for his encore story, “Baby Swifty’s First Words!”