I think today’s conclusion to the ‘Six Wives’ storyline is probably more of a whimper than a bang, but I think that’s important. The story isn’t really over, is it? In fact, this story kind of dovetails nicely with the current SuperFogeys chapter, Chapter 8 – The Captain and the Spy.

Big, huge thanks to Rossana Bugini and Jon Conkling for the amazing work they did on the art on this story. I just love the look of it and how so much of the art fits exactly the eras the story takes place in.

A story worth reading from the beginning, I think. You can start it here!

Next week: ‘Swifty and the Prophecy’ with art by Jason Sigler begins!


It’s four days later and I can still hardly believe it. I (along with my cohorts David Schlotterback and Michael DeVito) have a contract with DC Comics! How cool is that? Thanks to everyone here for your support. Could not have done it without you. Here’s an abridged version of my reaction immediately after the win:


“Promise me you’re never going to do this again!”

That’s what my wife Erin said to me over the phone as soon as she found out. And after she screamed with delight. My response?

“You got it.”

This month has been a whirlwind of hard work and emotions for me and my family. In my adult life, I learned a long time ago what it really means to work hard for something. You almost have to not care about the outcome. You just do the work that needs to be done. Focus on that and, even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll at least know you did everything you could. Most of your satisfaction will come from just knowing that, no matter what the result.

But…sometimes things come together perfectly and you win one! Now that’s a sweet feeling. MONSTERPLEX has been a 2 year journey for me. 2 years. David came on around the same time, and Mike about a year later. Having now won…I’m still in a kind of shell-shock.

Mike was the first to tell me. I didn’t see it through the refresh. I instantly got chills and they lasted for about a minute solid. Have you ever had chills for that long? You start thinking you might be sick. But, I wasn’t. I was on cloud nine.

I’m still there and if there’s one feeling that’s overriding all others it’s this: gratitude.

You are all awesome. If someone asks you today, “Are you awesome?” You will be able to say “Yes, I am awesome.” If that same person fires back with “How do you know?” you will turn to that person and say, simply, “Because MONSTERPLEX won.”

I really, truly feel as though this win is because of all of you. Yesterday, we had given up. No, no, we had. We talked about what we’d do with MONSTERPLEX after losing. But you guys just kept at it and pulled off one of the biggest upsets I think any of us have ever seen.

Now…a lot of you are asking, what’s next? What’s next is that we’re going to disappear for a little while. Maybe 2 or three months. During that time, we’ll going to be heavy into production on MONSTERPLEX. Then, soon, Monsterplex will restart on Zuda and you’ll get one new page a week for one solid year. We have a contract. We will fulfill it. (We will be paid!) We are excited.

During that time, we hope the popularity of MONSTERPLEX can grow. If it does sufficiently, DC/Zuda will renew our contract and maybe one day you’ll see it in print! We hope so! This thing is for real now and we want to make good on the promise we’ve shown this past month.

But besides all that…we think you’re in for a real treat. We have a fantastic, fantastic story planned. It’s got twists, turns, suspense, cliffhangers, romance, violence, comedy, monsters galore, mystery…man, MONSTERPLEX has it all.

Stick with us. It’s gonna be one heckuva ride!

One more time…THANK YOU!


You can follow along with the development of Monsterplex over at the blog. And, if you haven’t read it already, be sure and check out MONSTERPLEX over at Zuda Comics!


Got this photo in over the weekend from SuperFan Cliff Thomas. Cliff is a huge, huge SuperFogeys fan and quite the artist. He really went the extra mile and crafted this great bumper sticker and even put it on his own car!

Thanks a bunch, Cliff! I can’t wait to get mine.

See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 246!