While this is the first we’ve seen of the Captain’s second wife, Betty Hofstadt, we’ve known that Star Maiden was one of Captain Spectacular’s ex -wives for a while. Check out this flashback to see what we know so far. Come on back next for the full look into why they didn’t stay together.


Big thanks to all of you for the positive response to my big announcements last week. If you missed them, be sure and scroll down here.

One of the things I talked about doing more is sketch blog updates. I think it would be fun to sketch more–my characters or someone else’s–and then post the results once in a while. As a tryout, I drew Spider-Man last week and shared it over Twitter. The response was pretty good. See what you think:


Haven’t said much about Cami lately, and I know because of this strip some months back a few of you are invested in her. She’s doing really well, though her development is still pretty slow. She’s much more verbal than she used to be, though the number of sounds she can make is limited because of her poor vocal muscle control. She ends up saying a the same word to mean different things. For instance, “Bye” can mean anything from “Bye” to “Food” to “I’m fine,” depending on the context. Still, it’s really nice to feel like, almost five years after she was born, that I’m actually communicating with my daughter.

She hasn’t had any more seizures since her last one, thank goodness. Although, this past week she got a cold and a lot of fluid went into her lungs and so we were on pneumonia watch. Well, I suppose technically she did have pneumonia (that’s basically what having fluid in your lungs is), but she’s out of the woods now, marking the first January in three years that we didn’t have to hospitalize her for treatment of pneumonia. Usually, that’s the direction a simple cold takes her. She just doesn’t have the muscle control to cough out the fluid, and her body is too weak to fight off serious infection. This year, she was just a little bit stronger. Much to our surprise and delight.

Here’s a recent picture of Cami that my wife Erin took of her while we were at Disneyland last month:

See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 240! This is gonna be a big one, folks!