This went mostly unaddressed last week, but chances are a few more of you will notice it today.  Yes, it’s true that Swifty’s costume has suffered a mid-story change out of nowhere.  It’s similar enough to the old one that Swifty in the Valhalla continuity won’t need changing, but it looks pretty different from what you’ve here in SuperFogeys Origins.

What happened was that I got together with the Th3rd World brain trust and we decided that, in order to avoid any future legal entanglements, Swifty would need to look a lot less like a certain other speedster whose name I can’t quite remember.

So, at some point in the near future, T.L. will be going back and fixing every image of Swifty that he’s done so far to line it up with the version you see in today’s page.  Don’t expect a big announcement when that happens.  One day, those pages will just change.

This has actually happened once before. Back when I first started the SuperFogeys, Captain Spectacular’s costume was almost an exact replica of Superman’s.  About halfway through Chapter 2, I changed it and had to go back and change every previous strip to match the yellow and blue ensemble you’re more familiar with.  It was a huge change and one I was very reluctant to make, but now even longtime fans have mostly forgotten I ever did it.  I suspect something similar will happen with this one.


Late last week, David Reddick had a go at Captain Spectacular and I thought I’d go ahead and once again share what he came up with.  (For those of you on Internet Explorer–we are trying to fix the bug that prevents you from seeing the images I post here, I assure you, but so far we don’t even know what’s causing it!  We’re working on it, we’re working on it…)

Wanna see your SuperFogeys artwork in this space?  I’m always looking for more fan art.  As long as it’s not inappropriate (I think we all know at this point what that means), I’ll post it!

See you on Thursday with SF 215!


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