This site hosts, technically, two comics. The navigation was custom built to accommodate this and is a little different from what you may be used to, but still pretty easy to understand.

The simplest way to navigate is to just click on the strip itself. That will take you immediately to the next chronological update.

However, the BEST way to navigate is by hitting the “NEXT” button to go through the chapters. Once you hit the end of a chapter you’ll see that the “NEXT” button is unavailable. Just hit “NEXT CHAPTER” at that point and you’re on your way and you’ll continue with the same comic and story you’ve been reading.

Why is it set up like this? Because a few years into making The SuperFogeys I started up SuperFogeys Origins using a wide stable of artists. Those stories were self-contained and ran concurrently with the actual strip and I wanted to keep everything localized, but separate. Now, you can read SF and SFO however you want.

As always, you can access everything at any given time via the Archive pull down.

Have fun and happy reading!

UPDATE – 4/8/2011

Just for kicks, I updated this strip with a new version I drew back at the time of the release of SuperFogeys Volume One. It was included as an extra in that book, but I figured it was time for the world to see it.
Here’s what the original first strip looked like. As you can see, my art progressed a lot.

If you can’t see this image, click here!


Welcome to the first episode of the SuperFogeys!  If this is your first trip into the SuperFogeys universe, this is the place to start.  Hope you enjoy the ride.
If it looks a little crude, don’t worry.  It gets better.
For a year and a half I ran a somewhat popular blog on MySpace called “From Behind the Light.”  After I put up a couple of exercises in comic stripping, some masochistic readers were begging me for more.  One fake internet friend of mine, Tad, off-handedly suggested that I “do something like old superheroes in a nursing home.”  I laughed.  It was a good idea, but silly.  There were one, maybe two jokes there.A month later, the idea wouldn’t let go.  I sat down, put my pencil to the paper, and Dr. Rocket and Captain Spectacular were born.  “What have I done?” I wondered.

The first strip was really me just trying to figure out what the SuperFogeys are all about. It’s both my first notes and my first strip, all rolled into one. There wasn’t a lot of forethought that went into the SuperFogeys, either artistically or otherwise.