One of the things I love most about the SuperFogeys Vol. 1 collection (available in finer comics stores soon) is the how much the silent strips stand out and add so much to the pacing of the chapters. It took me a long while to start doing them on the regular (the end of Chapter 16 comes to mind), and that’s almost down entirely to the twice-a-week strip format. Silent strips just don’t play as well out-of-context, I think. Not as much to chew on as a singular experience. But as part of a larger whole? I think they make everything feel more cohesive and give chapters a less episodic feel.

As many of our Kickstarter backers have said to me…reading SuperFogeys in a book format makes it seem like that’s how the story was supposed to be presented all along. I love that. And now, Marc and I are leaning into that. As much as I cherish the immediacy of the online experience and the fun of bringing this story to you week in and week out, the collected editions (two in total by the time we’re done) are where this story truly belongs and will be its final and most enduring resting place.

See you on Wednesday with 806 – Space Pigs in the Forest!