Can you believe it’s been well over a year since you’ve seen new episodes? You probably can. I know our hiatuses are punishingly long, but we always come back…and that counts for something, right? Marc and I are committed to finishing this story, but as we’ve gotten older and responsibilities have increased, it’s just harder and harder to commit the time to this comic. But commit it we do. Just on our own schedule.


The good news Marc and I have been prepping for this return for months. The entirety of Chapter 23 is pretty much done, and we’ve already started work on Chapter 24. What that means is that you can expect Chapter 23 to run without interruption, then we’ll take a break for two weeks, then come roaring back with our biggest chapter yet. Seriously. Chapter 24 is gonna be HUGE.

If everything goes according to plan, you could be seeing SuperFogeys on a more or less twice-weekly basis for the majority of the next year.

All that said, every time we take one of this hiatuses we lose readers. Please, in whatever way you can, get the word out! Let everyone know we’re still here!


Here’s some amazing news: the books are here!

Kickstarted by you, the books are in hand and going out to everyone just as soon as we can. I worked on the Artist Editions all this past weekend, and Marc will be working on his batch just as soon as he gets his copies. It’s happening, it’s real…and after you all get your copies? It’s going into your local comics store. More on that later.


What have I been doing the past year? Many things, but among the most important is that I’m gearing up to write and direct a feature film based on my short film, The Shift. I’m doing this in partnership with VidAngel Studios and Stellar Lense Productions. Right now–right this very minute–you can watch the short film at this link right here, and also invest in the film if you’d like. We’re doing what’s called a Crowdfunding Investment campaign, which is fully regulated by the SEC. All the details are at the site linked above, including our pitch video.

I realize this won’t be for everyone, but I hope you’ll check it out!


As always, we appreciate your support on Patreon. There’s always the chance the book could become a mega-seller, but otherwise the only compensation we receive is whatever you choose to donate through Patreon. So, thank you! It means a lot.

See you on Wednesday!