I gotta tell ya… this strip took a long dang time to letter. Those “radio voice” word balloons are not easy to work with!

This strip, I think it’s fair to say, really sets the stage for the next chapter. We’re getting close to the end of the SuperFogeys and there’s a massive confrontation in the offing. You think you know where it’s going? I promise you don’t, but it’s gonna be a blast getting there regardless.


We just hit over 200 subscribers on Webtoon! This is a pretty big milestone for a non-manga comic that rewards close attention to detail. We’ve just entered Chapter 7 over there and it really is like dipping back into the past. Sympathies are with Jerry in a big way, with some readers begging me to just let him “catch a damn break.” In a couple of weeks we should be at the end of Chapter 9 and I cannot wait to see the reaction. That’s always a fun one.

If you or anyone you know frequents Webtoon, we do so love our subscribes!

See you on Monday with 770 – Bumps in the Road!