Ladies and gentlemen… the softer side of Jerry. A lot of this chapter has been building up to this moment and I thought about a lot of different ways these two characters could handle it. Typically, Jerry would fly off the handle (as we’ve seen him do in this chapter), but I think it’s easy to forget that Jerry is a master of manipulation and different personas. I wouldn’t say he’s manipulating here–he’s being way too forthright for that–but he is accessing a different part of himself to try to assert his position and calm down what he sees as a bad situation. He’s very much a “try anything” character in that he’s not above doing anything to get what he wants–up to and including an honest expression of his feelings.

Of course, it goes a bit sideways when his honest expression coincides with Spy Gal’s own honest expression, but let’s see how it plays out…

See you on Monday with 768 – Boy-Haired Crone!