For those of you who can’t remember (and who can??), the Lodge of Doom from Earth-Avalon came over to the more familiar Earth-Abbadon. Most of them immediately headed up North, but two stayed behind, Starbrighter and Evil Tangerine. They, obviously, are looking for Jerry for… reasons. Money Man–this Money Man, anyway–is also from Earth-Avalon. He should really get up now. He’s about to die.


Wanna see a sneak peek of SF 699 (yes, a strip that’s three weeks down the road!)? Yesterday, I posted a gorgeous look at the slam-bang action Marc has crafted for the very last strip of the 600s, featuring [REDACTED] vs. [REDACTED]. Only those Patrons who pledge at least $1.00 in a month (yep, just $1) get to see it. You could see it, too. Right now. Head on over to the SF Patreon to find out how.

More cool behind-the-scenes stuff ahead!

See you on Monday with SF 694 – “Soviet Sam Crackdown!”