Yes!  I’m so frickin’ pleased to announce that the pre-order for Collection #4 is now available in the SuperFogeys store! And this time it’s available in two editions!

But first, here’s the lowdown on Collection 4:

SuperFogeys Collection #4: Ch. 5, “The Redemption of Dr. Rocket.” Featuring the bonus, exclusive-to-print bonus story “Audition” featuring Captain Spectacular, Dr. Rocket, The Third Man and the Space Pig (drawn by Lucas Turnbloom). Also featuring “Erin’s Comic” by Brock and Erin Heasley…$5.50, 30 pages

Now, that’s your basic edition.  Just the book, no frills.  We’re also offering now what we call the Artist Edition.  For $10 you’ll get the book and also an official SuperFogeys sketch card with an original pencil sketch featuring one of the SuperFogeys.  This isn’t a reproduction–this is a real sketch personally drawn and signed by yours truly.  And yes, there is a way to request your favorite character!

Starting Monday we’ll also be offering the sketch cards by themselves for a mere $6.  The Artist Edition is the way to go though if you want the best deal!

Hurry on over to the SF store to start your pre-order!

(And just to say it again–I know there’s been problems with the pre-orders in the past with long waits between the time you place the order and the time it gets to you.  In the past, we started pre-orders before the content was finalized. Not this time!  The book is done and will be out to you soon! I’ll update when I have an exact date.)

Next Week:

Next week look for updates on 4 days instead of two.  On Monday I’ll be showing off the completed cover to Collection #4.  Tuesday is the next installment of SuperFogeys Origins featuring TL Collins’s at his very best.  Wednesday will be a new preview of the bonus story drawn by Lucas Turnbloom and then on Thursday it’s SuperFogeys 199!