Ever wonder what the Earth-Avalon Nurse Carter would be like? Well, it doesn’t matter if you did or not because here she is.

Of course the real news is all this death and destruction. It’s terrible. We can’t lose Captain Spectacular II, ON THIS OR ANY OTHER WORLD!


So, here’s a thing. Many of you probably remember I lost my job last year. This year, I signed on with Tremendum Pictures, a local independent film production group that just so happens to have made a truly scary movie coming out July 10th, The Gallows. The film was made in my hometown, by my friends, and picked up by Blumhouse Productions (Paranormal Activity, Insidious, The Purge, Whiplash, etc.) and New Line Cinema/Warner Bros. (Lord of the Rings, almost every other movie on the planet, etc.) for worldwide distribution starting next month. It’s a pretty insane thing that almost never happens. You would not believe how low the budget was on this thing. I mean, we used furniture from my own house for set decoration.

I came in on the tail end of production and did a few things here and there. Officially, in the credits, I’m listed as a “Set Decorator” but I’ll have you know I swung creepy ropes off camera as well!

The future looks bright for The Gallows. Test screen audiences went crazy for it (I wrote about that experience here–good behind-the-scenes peek at the Hollywood machine if you’re into that sort of thing) and, after seeing it a number of times, I can confirm that it’s quite good. If you like scary movies, this is a can’t-miss. It delivers the goods.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited for it all. I’m excited for my friends, the writer-directors Chris Lofing and Travis Cluff. And I’m excited about my future with Tremendum and our upcoming projects. I will make money, gosh darn it.

More on all that later. For now, if you haven’t seen the trailer for The Gallows already, GO SEE IT NOW!


See you back here on Friday for “648 – Ready Air Force One”