Hey everybody, our Patreon has been up for about a week and a half now (you can see the video all about it right here: SuperFogeys Patreon Video (sorry, can’t embed)) and, true to my word, I’ve been posting to it like crazy. While we do have a $0.50 level in which you get our MIGHTY THANKS, but the real meat and potatoes of being one of our patrons starts at the $1.00 level which gives you full access to our Patreon-exclusive, Behind-the-Scenes blog. Here’s what anyone who has pledged at that level or above has seen so far:

4/24/15 – An detailed progress update on just exactly how far along Marc and I are in the creation of Chapter 20.

4/27/15 – A preview of the double-sized second strip of Chapter 20.

5/1/15 – The reveal of the title to Chapter 20 and a piece of excerpted dialogue that references and explains the title excplicitly.

5/2/15 – Rough sketch, full script, and explanation of the process that went into the creation of SF 623, “Kirbyesque.”

Even more coming this week, including another update on our progress. I can tell you that Marc is working at quite the clip right now. But how close are we, really? On the Patreon blog, I don’t hold back.

If you’d like to support SuperFogeys and join us, it takes practically no time at all. Sign up, choose how much you want to pledge per strip, and you’re done. I think the thing I love that most is that you can set a monthly maximum. Worried that we’re gonna be posting a lot when we come back from hiatus? Just cap your monthly pledge at an amount you’re comfortable with.

You can get all the details at the SuperFogeys Patreon page, and you can watch the video right here:

SuperFogeys Patreon Video

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. devilflamejr May 5, 2015 at 12:54 pm - Reply

    Good to see you got it up and running, just signed up:D And I agree, the ” set a monthly cap” function is a great idea. Out of curiosity though, how many pages do you think you’ll roughly be releasing monthly?

    • Brock Heasley May 5, 2015 at 2:36 pm - Reply

      Hey, thanks! And with your contribution we just hit our first Milestone Goal! Awesome.

      We have been planning on coming back in June with 5 strips a week–something we’ve never done before. On the other hand, I don’t want to break anybody’s bank (though, of course, the ability to set a monthly maximum does exist) so I’ve been toying with doing three updates a week.

      What does everybody think?

      • kavonn May 5, 2015 at 6:18 pm - Reply

        If we’re talking about paying per page instead of a flat rate per month, my vote’s on the 3 a week. (Totally not biased in any way, nope, not because it’d be easier to afford a higher tier that way *whistles*)

        • Brock Heasley May 5, 2015 at 9:55 pm - Reply

          Hey, we’re not trying to fleece you guys. I appreciate the feedback. Would love for some more people to chime in on this before making any decisions.

          • kavonn May 6, 2015 at 9:04 am

            I don’t think you’re trying to fleece us either 🙂

          • devilflamejr May 6, 2015 at 5:44 pm

            Well I have a question in that case, is “page” and “strip” interchangable, or does a page consist of a number of strips? I’ve been sort of confused by that 🙂

          • Brock Heasley May 6, 2015 at 6:00 pm

            Page and strip are interchangeable around here. So a strip is a page and a page is a strip. Perhaps a better word is “update,” but they all mean the same thing.

            Talked to Marc this morning and he’s pretty agreeable to going three times a week. Looks like that’s where we’re headed.

          • devilflamejr May 7, 2015 at 6:37 am

            Understood! Well then yes, I’d say 3 a week sounds perfectly reasonable

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