Well, sadly, SF went out on the first round of Webcomic Idol.  Were my readers confused about the voting process?  Did SF have a target on its back?  Were the other comics that much better? Is this all a result of a smear campaign by Marvel and DC for damage done to their characters?

Actually, I would really love it if it was that last one.

As a consolation prize, Digital Strips, an excellent webcomics podcast has done an excellent rundown of the Top Ten of this year’s Webcomic Idol: SuperFogeys review starts in at 29:05.

(Note: May take a few clicks to get it to load.  I just subscribed in iTunes.  That was way easier.  Search: Digital Strips.)

Gamervision Interview

Luke Brown over at Gamervison’s “The Quarter Bin” recently did a short interview with me about the SuperFogeys.  Head on over here to check it out.  Thanks, Luke!

Next Week:

You’ll meet Death, M.D. and the funeral begins!