In the first panel there, you’ll notice a sign on the box that’s cut off. The full sign would read “Ark of the Covenant – Do Not Touch,” an obvious shout-out to Indiana Jones.

The monster is another shout-out. This is my lame attempt at a tribute to the master of drawing monsters—Jack Kirby. I think I at least succeeded in making the monster “Kirbyesque.”

For Those Who Missed It on Tuesday – My Interview With Tall Tale Radio Now Available
Hey all, quick update here to let you know that my interview with Tom Racine for Tall Tale Radio just went live! Tom says:

It’s Brock “Super Fogeys” Heasley’s turn to be grilled for your amusement! Tom and Brock talk about the origins of “Super Fogeys,” the challenges of writing vs. drawing, the importance of storytelling and character, the joy of DVD commentaries, the fine line between comedy and tragedy, his good old fashioned technique, the upcoming Th3rdWorld redesign brilliance, and the importance of keeping Tom in Tall Tale Features T-shirts. And don’t forget Comic Strip Trivia! Will Brock know Mickey Mouse’s original name? Does he know the original artist of Spider-man? Does he know the philosophical character in “Beetle Bailey?” Tune in to find out!

You can listen to the whole thing at this link or, if you have iTunes, just do a search in the iTunes Store for “Tall Tale Features.”

SuperFogeys Nominated for Three Drunk Duck Awards!

And I didn’t even have to nominate myself! Crazy! Whoever tossed SF into the ring, thanks so much! This isn’t one of the bigger comics on DD, so I was surprised to see SF on there.

(Uh oh, judging by the Dr. Rocket nod I had better change the title of this chapter…)

New Update
Added another new feature to the already stellar navigation: you can click on anywhere on any archived strip to go to the next strip. No “next” button required! Sweet. Beta testing may be going on as you’re reading this.

Dictator Tot shows her wee little face again and Tangerine faces shame and disappointment.