There’s a few debates going on in regards to what’s happening with Tangerine right now, but the one that I find most interesting is this idea that, when it comes to kids and family, perhaps a special morality takes over where we can do differently than we might otherwise because those we love re in trouble–not strangers.

Now, “special morality” is my term, and I used it in my responses to the comments left on Monday’s strip. I may not be voicing your particular viewpoint on that correctly (if so, correct me), but I do think it’s a real thing and I’ve seen it expressed both in real life and in fiction.

Of course, now, Tangerine has made his decision. Was it the right one? Was there a third thing he could have decided that he just hasn’t thought of yet?

Next week: As far as Jerry’s concerned, it’s not over until he says it is.