We all have those mementos we hold dear that, when we look at smell or hear or hold them, take us right back to a particular time and place. Usually, those things serve to remind us of good times. Who would want to be reminded of hurt? Not most people, but sometimes you need to. I have a little ornament on my key chain that was given to me by someone who made an impact on my life right before I met my wife. When I look at it, I remember that time–and the loneliness and hurt that comes part and parcel with the confusion of early adulthood–and it reminds me to appreciate the family and happiness I have now.

For Spy Gal, her reminder is a word. A word she despises and forces herself to utter for what, for her, is good reason.

Item #1! SF Artist Marc Lapierre is headed to the New York Comic-Con this weekend. You can find him in Artist Alley at Table i6. He’ll have all kinds of goodies available and will be doing sketches! You can get all the details in his short write-up right here.

Item #2! Those of you who are fans of The SuperFogeys on Facebook got an exclusive sneak peek of my upcoming “guest” strip that will be dropping next week. If you’re not a fan on Facebook yet, you can check out the sneak peek and like our fan page right here! We do cool stuff on there from time to time.