I try to go pretty easy on the artists I work with. I play to their strengths, I think about how tricky a page or a panel might be and make the next one a little easier to balance things out, etc. But if there’s one thing I ask to be just right every time regardless of how difficult it may be, it’s the facial expressions. A lot of the stories I write are told through reactions and facial expressions, usually in the most subtle of ways.

I hit Marc with all sorts of weird, often contradictory demands on the emotions of the characters and he nails it every time. He’s got a real intuitive sense of character–sometimes even telling me how he thinks a particular character would react to a situation (and he’s right every time)–and it comes across in every panel he draws. For example, the third panel of today’s strip, this is how my description read:

3: Spy Gal. Her expression blank. Sheā€™s cold calculation. The life has been sucked out of her.

Hard to argue that isn’t what we’re looking at up there. I know I say it enough that you guys probably get sick of it, but I couldn’t ask for a better collaborator than Marc.

Today’s strip answers the question nobody asked: Where’s Nurse Carter and Gene? You’re welcome!