Holy cow! I can’t apologize enough for the past couple days of darkness and the slow, slow, slow SF site over the weekend. We’ve never experienced an outage like that and I hope we never have to again.

Basically, what happened was the site’s server was getting bogged down with hidden junk so we moved the entire site over to a new server. Well, when we did that the whole thing took a powder when some wires got crossed and the server pointed at the wrong IP. I don’t totally understand it all (you can tell, can’t you?), but the end result is that we’re back and better than ever. You should have already noticed that the site is a bit faster than it was.

I’m especially glad because we’re back in time for today’s strip to get a proper spotlight. I’ll say no more about it and let you guys handle it in the comments below.

If you missed the first strip of this chapter (and I know that many of you did), you can check it out right here. Not a typical chapter beginning, I assure you.

If you’re not a fan of The SuperFogeys on Facebook, then you probably didn’t have any idea what was going on. Not only was I giving updates on the site’s status, but I also posted both of this week’s strips on the fan page while the site was down. Don’t wanna miss out again in the event of a future catastrophe? “Like” the page right away.