Last week was good stuff. It’s good to be reminded now and then that SuperFogeys has one of the most engaged and smart readerships out there who are always thinking–not just about the latest twists and turns, but about character. I the variety of opinions on the issue of what makes a character likable or interesting was so much fun to see and huge credit to all of you. There is no consensus. Not everyone hates Captain Spectacular, not everyone likes Dr. Rocket. Crud, not everyone wants Jerry dead! You guys have a lot of specific, heartfelt and at times contradictory thoughts about these characters. I think the only thing everyone agreed on is that they want more Sam and they want to see the big guy happy.

What do you think he’s gonna find behind that door?

Kickstarter Update: Team Frog’s Paul Lidberg posted this little update this past week. Basically, things are in progress and coming along. Maybe a little slower than we’d all like, but the SuperFogeys Sourcebook and all the little goodies you guys went in for are coming. See the link for more AND for a peek at the painted sculpts of Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket.