SuperFogeys artist Marc Lapierre will be at the New York City Comic Con this next weekend, October 11-14. He’ll be in the Artist Alley, table C5, alongside Imy’s Irma Eriksson. Be sure and stop by to say hi if you’re planning on going! Marc will have some exclusive SuperFogeys posters for sale. Check ’em out:

See that one of the left? Purchase it and you’ll get a free sketch in that white space. How cool is that? 

Marc hopes to see you there! (Wish I could go, but Marc and I have never met in real life and why ruin that streak now?)

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. Tyler Heasley October 6, 2012 at 1:38 am - Reply

    I wish I could meet Marc in real life. I’d give him a high five and then quickly steal his artistic ability and make a run for it.

  2. […] at NYCC this coming weekend! He’ll be doing sketches and have EXCLUSIVE posters on sale. Full details here! └ Tags: spy gal, […]

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