Everybody enjoying their summer? This has seemed like an especially busy one. For both me and for Marc. My wife and I are taking our first real vacation together in a long, long time next week and I could not be more excited. Medical bills and kids and kids with issues have kept us away from any trip longer than a couple of days for years now.

So, next week, we take off. First stop: COMIC-CON! This year, Th3rd World Studios will have a booth (M-13 in the Small Press Area) and I’ll be there on Friday and Saturday. I’ll have SF books for sale and I might be persuaded to turn out a free sketch or two. I hope if you’re there you’ll stop on by to at least say hi. That’s the best part of any Con.

From there, Erin and I are just going to relax. For a solid week. Marc needs a similar break, so the SuperFogeys hitatus will begin July 13 and run through July 22. New strips will resume on July 23. Everybody got that? Cool.

I’m not going to formally ask for guest strips to run during the hiatus, HOWEVER, if you’d like to send one along between now and the 13th (a small window, I know), I’d be more than happy to run it (provided it meets the usual standards of good taste).

Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. Jande July 5, 2012 at 12:12 pm - Reply

    I more than understand. I advocate it. I applaud it! Have a great time you guys! <3

  2. krheasley July 5, 2012 at 12:13 pm - Reply

    You guys totally deserve this break! Hope you have loads of fun!

    (Wish we could meet you in San Diego. Wouldn’t that be awesome?)

  3. Sam July 6, 2012 at 6:36 am - Reply

    You all deserve a break, have fun with the kids, the wife, enjoy each others company. We’ll see you guys when you get back, God bless you all.

  4. […] It’s time for Marc and me to take a brief break and renew our energies. Full details in this post. Don’t forget that Th3rd World Studios will be at the San Diego Comic-Con with SuperFogeys […]

  5. CartoonistWill July 31, 2012 at 12:38 pm - Reply

    Glad you all got a break and a REAL vacation! Those were ALL I had as a kid, so I thought a couple day trip WAS a vacation, ha ha! My honeymoon (like, 8 days I think) might have been my first real vacation since I was a toddler. It was nice. Speaking of hiatuses, I don’t have the internet at my new house [yet], so it’s time to see what I’ve missed here since pretty much May!

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