The genesis for this flashback came from Daniel Woodhouse, artist on “Thog Infinitron” and sometime artist of “Beaver and Steve.” I asked Dan to do a short backup story for the second SuperFogeys book and asked him what he wanted to draw.  He said “Captain Spectacular fighting in the skies above a city.  Maybe a Giant Robot.”  So, I crafted this tale of how Captain Spectacular met Star Maiden and used Dan’s setting.
When I ran it by my publisher he thought the story was too big and important for a backup and asked that I include it in Chapter 3 as part of the story.  At first, I wanted Dan to still draw it, but again the publisher wisely suggested that may not be the best idea.  Instead, Dan graciously agreed to draw the origin of the Space Pig, which can be found in the online version of Book 2 over at (It will see print release in the upcoming SuperFogeys Trade Paperback.)
I decided to start with Spy Gal because I wanted a bit of tragedy built into the story.  I had already stated they’d dated once before, now it was time to show the break-up…