I love happy endings, don’t you?

Wanna read this chapter from the start? Begin here.

Tomorrow, Marc and I will be recording a podcast with the great Tom Racine of Tall Tale Radio. We’ll be discussing this chapter, what comes next for The SuperFogeys and more. Tom will be watching today’s comments closely and will be taking reader-submitted questions directly from them. If you have a question you’d like Tom to ask either me or Marc, please submit it below! Just be sure and include @TOM in your comment.

Next week begins a whole new chapter in the SuperFogeys saga–Chapter 13, “The Sidekick and His Gal.” It’s gonna be a great jumping-on point for new readers. Tell your neighbors and mother’s boyfriend!

Looking forward to your comments today. Have at it.

Don’t forget to visit Brock’s new site over at brockheasley.com!