And now you know! The Space Pig was Captain Spectacular’s partner for about 3 seconds. Big thanks to artist Lucas Turnbloom for his stellar work on this story!

Wanna read it from the beginning? Go here.

Next week brings another SuperFogeys Origins story from the SuperFogeys Vol. 1 TPB. I’ve got a couple of other SFO artists working on new stories, but they’re not quite ready for primetime yet.

If you’re an artist and you think you’ve got the chops and are interested in drawing a SuperFogeys Origin from one of my scripts, please let me know. (Please note: I’m open to all kinds of styles of art, but because the scripts can be a little demanding, I am looking for a certain level of craft. I don’t want to discourage anyone, but I want to be honest up front.) Email me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com with questions and/or samples of your work!