Sleep is precious to me. I’m an insomniac so when my eyes are shut and the world fades away, that’s a sacred time. I’m of a generally pleasant disposition, but if you wake me before it’s time to get up, I will rip your head off and stuff it down a toilet. Then I’ll go back to bed. I’ll feel bad about it in the morning, when I’m well-rested.

Early on in my marriage, this was a big problem. My wife made the mistake of waking me up one night and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I got so angry and frustrated, I got up on top of the covers and started pounding the bed like a gorilla. We had a talk the next morning and it was decided I had sleep anger issues. I’m much better now.

In college, I started going to bed at 1 – 2am. This was fantastic. I was working two jobs and taking a full load of classes and dating/marrying/having a baby. Late nights allowed me to get homework done, watch movies and play video games. Then I’d sleep for five hours and be out the door to work and/or school by 8am that morning. I didn’t drink caffeine, I didn’t take pills. That junk is for wimps.

Now that I’m not in college? No change. I turn 35 in January and this is still the schedule that works best for me. You know why? Solid sleep. If I try to sleep for 8 hours, it’s in fits and starts. But when I go to bed exhausted? It’s solid. I wake up refreshed. Just don’t bother me before the alarm rings. You will be missing vital organs if you do.

My wife is the opposite. She’s usually out by 9:30 or 10:00. This gives me about three or four hours a night when I’m on my own. After college, I was happy to use that time to watch even more movies and play even more video games. But somewhere along the line I realized that all that extra time was good for something and I was wasting it. That’s how SuperFogeys and other various projects were born. Now, I spend most of my time at night writing. Usually until I pass out on my laptop. It’s fantastic. I actually feel a little guilty on those rare occasions when I watch a movie instead.

What about you? What time do you go to bed? Have your sleep patterns changed as you’ve gotten older? Do you conk out at 8:30 like a punk? Sound off below!

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. tmcelmurry October 27, 2011 at 12:09 pm - Reply

    Before my oldest son started school and had to be up for Breakfast by 6:30am I would stay up well after midnight and get up at 5:30am for my morning run. Now I’m usually out by 11 or 11:30, but at 4:30am for my run so I’m home and showered by 6am to start cooking breakfast for the family. My wife stays up with me, and she is definitely not a morning person, so when 6:30am rolls around and I’m waking them from their slumber (minus the youngest son, he’s up by 5:30/6am on his own) she’s feeling the woes of the late night before and swears to never do it again, though she does again and again.

    I find I feel better with those few hours of solid sleep versus the long night, cause I’ll wake up generally at some point if I go to bed too early. That’s why camping is always rough for me. It’s dark and folks are ready to bed down, but my brain tells me “Hey fool, it’s only 9:30pm, you can’t go to bed now.”. So no, my sleeping patterns haven’t changed much since school, I just have more to do now when I get up.

  2. Jesse October 27, 2011 at 12:11 pm - Reply

    I need a solid block of 8 hours of sleep. 10 pm comes around and I’m done. But I wake up ready to go at 6am, even on the days I don’t have to wake up that early. If my sleep gets broken up I do get a bit cranky.

  3. Adrean Clark October 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm - Reply

    I have sleep issues too so I usually fall asleep with my iPod or iPad. Probably should get a soft and pillowy cover for it…

  4. Kathryn Poduska October 27, 2011 at 1:01 pm - Reply

    My husband shares your special Jekyll and Hyde quality when awoken from a deep sleep. How can he be so wonderful during the day and so terrifying in the middle of the night??? I miss my days of staying up all night. I have a 6:00am wake up call in the form of two sprightly boys. Worth it, but oh I miss those late and quiet hours.

  5. John Jett October 31, 2011 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    I’m usually (hopefully) asleep by 12 so I can get up at 5am to catch the train. I usually don’t sleep on the train.

    When I was drawing the Jerry story, my sleep patterns were a wreck. The only constant was that I was up at 5. For nearly three months, I got by on 2-3 hours a night, sometimes less. If I was lucky, I’d grab an hour or so of sleep on the train each way.

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