As you all know, we’re just a few weeks away from the big SuperFogeys 5th Anniversary celebration. Many of you are working hard on your artistic recaps of the chapters. Others are crafting short essays to look back on five years of SF. Those who do are eligible for a prize package which includes:

1. A cameo appearance in an upcoming SuperFogeys strip.

2. An original “Lunchtime Sketch” by Marc Lapierre–you choose the subject!

3. The original art of the SuperFogeys 5th Anniversary print… which can now be seen right here:

 Those of you that would still like to participate, check out this post right here. Chapter Recaps are all claimed, but I’ll still accept short essays and even fan art. Full details and deadline at the link!

Written by : Brock Heasley

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  1. […] The SuperFogeys 5th Anniversary is next week. If you’d like to turn in a short prose piece or fan art to join in and possibly […]

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